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10 Bollywood Celebs Who suffered from Bullying and Body Shaming


    10 Bollywood Celebs Who Suffered From Bullying And Body Shaming

    Bullying and body shaming are rampant in Bollywood, with numerous celebrities enduring harsh criticism and ridicule based on their looks. This relentless scrutiny not only hinders their professional growth but also takes a severe toll on their mental health and self-esteem.

    Despite achieving fame and success, many Bollywood celebrities have revealed that they were once labeled ‘ugly’ and faced severe bullying. These experiences, though painful, have played a crucial role in shaping their resilience and determination.

    Bollywood stars who spoke about Bullying and Body Shaming

    Shah Rukh Khan

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    Widely known as the ‘King of Bollywood,’ Shah Rukh Khan’s journey was not devoid of challenges. During his early years, Khan faced significant bullying due to his appearance and economic background. He once shared, “I was called ugly and was mocked because of my unconventional looks.” These experiences, though painful, instilled in him a fierce drive to prove his detractors wrong. Today, Khan’s charisma and talent have made him one of the most beloved actors globally.

    Priyanka Chopra

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    Priyanka Chopra, a global icon, has openly discussed her struggles with bullying during her school years in the United States. She recounted being called names and ostracized because of her ethnicity and appearance. Chopra stated, “I was called ‘brownie’ and was told to go back to my country.” These experiences deeply affected her self-esteem, but they also fueled her determination to succeed and break stereotypes. Today, she stands as a beacon of resilience and success.

    Hrithik Roshan

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    Hrithik Roshan, often hailed for his Greek-God looks, wasn’t always confident in his appearance. As a child, Roshan dealt with speech issues and was frequently bullied for his stammer. He once revealed, “Kids would make fun of me, and I felt helpless.” These struggles led him to work tirelessly on his speech and physical fitness, eventually transforming him into one of Bollywood’s most admired actors.

    Anushka Sharma

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    Anushka Sharma, known for her candidness, has also faced her share of criticism and bullying. Early in her career, Sharma was often called ‘plain’ and ‘not pretty enough’ for Bollywood. She shared, “I was told I didn’t fit the conventional mold of a heroine.” These comments, though hurtful, did not deter her spirit. Instead, they motivated her to focus on her craft, resulting in a successful career and widespread acclaim.

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    Karan Johar

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    Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar has been vocal about his experiences with bullying due to his weight and perceived effeminacy during his school days. Johar recalled, “I was called ‘pansy’ and ‘fatty,’ which made me very self-conscious.” These experiences profoundly impacted his self-image, but they also ignited a creative spark in him. Today, Johar is celebrated for his contributions to Indian cinema and his unapologetic authenticity.

    Kangana Ranaut

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    Kangana Ranaut, known for her fierce independence, faced significant bullying in her early years. Coming from a small town, she was often ridiculed for her accent and unconventional looks. Ranaut stated, “People called me names and said I didn’t belong in Bollywood.” These harsh experiences fueled her resolve to succeed against all odds. Today, she is recognized for her powerful performances and bold persona.

    Arjun Kapoor

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    Arjun Kapoor has been transparent about his struggles with obesity and the bullying that came with it. As a teenager, Kapoor weighed over 140 kg and was called ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’ by his peers. He shared, “I was ridiculed and made to feel inferior.” These challenges prompted him to embark on a transformative weight loss journey, which not only changed his physical appearance but also boosted his confidence. Kapoor is now a prominent actor in Bollywood.

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    Sonam Kapoor

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    Fashion icon Sonam Kapoor has had her share of battles with body shaming. Kapoor has spoken about being overweight during her teenage years and the subsequent bullying. She recalled, “I was called ‘fat’ and ‘ugly,’ and it hurt a lot.” These experiences impacted her self-worth, but they also inspired her to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Kapoor’s journey towards self-acceptance is a testament to her resilience.

    Parineeti Chopra

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    Parineeti Chopra has been open about her struggles with weight and the bullying she faced because of it. Chopra shared, “I was constantly made fun of for being heavy.” These comments affected her deeply, leading to a period of self-doubt. However, her determination to overcome these challenges led her to transform her lifestyle and pursue a successful career in acting.

    Randeep Hooda

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    Randeep Hooda, known for his rugged looks, faced significant bullying during his school years in Australia. Hooda was subjected to racial slurs and physical bullying. He mentioned, “I was called names and was often beaten up.” These experiences were traumatic, but they also built his resilience and determination. Today, Hooda is celebrated for his versatile roles and strong screen presence.

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