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70+ Best Horror Movies of All Time


    9: Get Out

    Get Out Movie Details:

    • Release date: February 24, 2017
    • IMDb Rating: 7.7/10
    • Director: Jordan Peele
    • Duration: 104 minutes
    • Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
    • Cast: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford, Catherine Keener

    Get Out Plot Summary:

    In “Get Out,” horror movie Chris Washington, a young African American man, goes on a weekend trip with his white girlfriend, Rose Armitage, to meet her family. Upon arrival at the Armitage family’s secluded estate, Chris notices strange behavior from the African American housekeeper and groundskeeper. The family, particularly Rose’s parents, Dean and Missy, are overly accommodating and unnervingly enthusiastic about Chris being there. Missy, a psychiatrist, offers to hypnotize Chris to help him quit smoking, which he reluctantly agrees to. The hypnosis session is terrifying, sending Chris into a state called the “Sunken Place,” where he loses control of his body.

    Chris uncovers the horrifying truth that the Armitage family has been using hypnosis to control and transplant the consciousness of their white friends and family into the bodies of young African Americans, seeking immortality and superior physical abilities. As Chris tries to escape, he is captured and prepared for the procedure. With the help of his quick thinking and determination, Chris fights back, killing members of the Armitage family and finally escaping the house. The movie ends with Chris being rescued by his friend Rod, highlighting the intense psychological and social horror he endured.

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