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70+ Best Horror Movies of All Time


    61: Truth or Dare

    Truth or Dare Movie Details:

    • Release date: April 13, 2018
    • IMDb Rating: 5.1/10
    • Director: Jeff Wadlow
    • Duration: 100 minutes
    • Genre: Horror, Thriller
    • Cast: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Hayden Szeto

    Truth or Dare Plot Summary:

    In “Truth or Dare,” a group of college friends heads to Mexico for their spring break vacation. During a night of partying, they are invited to play a seemingly harmless game of truth or dare by a mysterious stranger. However, they soon realize that the game is deadly serious when they return home and are haunted by a malevolent entity that forces them to play a twisted version of truth or dare, where failing to tell the truth or complete the dare results in a gruesome death.

    As the friends struggle to uncover the truth behind the cursed game and break the deadly cycle, they must confront their darkest secrets and face the terrifying consequences of their actions. With heart-pounding suspense and shocking twists, “Truth or Dare” delivers a thrilling horror experience, with Jeff Wadlow’s direction capturing the tension and terror of a deadly game that threatens to consume them all.

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