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70+ Best Horror Movies of All Time


    5: The Exorcist

    The Exorcist Movie Details:

    • Release date: December 26, 1973
    • IMDb Rating: 8.1/10
    • Director: William Friedkin
    • Duration: 122 minutes
    • Genre: Horror
    • Cast: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair, Jason Miller

    The Exorcist Plot Summary:

    In “The Exorcist,” horror movie actress Chris MacNeil lives in Washington, D.C., with her 12-year-old daughter, Regan. Strange and disturbing events begin to occur, starting with Regan displaying unusual and violent behavior. She speaks in a demonic voice, exhibits superhuman strength, and her body contorts in unnatural ways. Desperate for answers, Chris consults numerous doctors, but none can explain Regan’s condition. As Regan’s situation worsens, Chris turns to Father Damien Karras, a priest and psychiatrist struggling with his faith after the death of his mother.

    Father Karras agrees to investigate and concludes that Regan is possessed by a demon. He seeks the help of Father Merrin, an experienced exorcist. Together, they perform an exorcism to free Regan from the demon’s grip. The process is grueling and dangerous, as the demon tries to break the priests’ spirits. In a climactic struggle, Father Merrin dies from a heart attack, and Father Karras sacrifices himself by inviting the demon to possess him instead, then throwing himself out a window to his death. Regan is saved, and she and her mother are left to rebuild their lives, forever changed by the ordeal.

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