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70+ Best Horror Movies of All Time


    41: The Possession

    The Possession Movie Details:

    • Release date: August 31, 2012
    • IMDb Rating: 5.9/10
    • Director: Ole Bornedal
    • Duration: 92 minutes
    • Genre: Horror, Thriller
    • Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick, Natasha Calis, Madison Davenport

    The Possession Plot Summary:

    In “The Possession,” horror movie divorced couple Clyde and Stephanie Brenek’s daughter, Em, purchases an antique box at a yard sale without knowing its dark history. Em becomes increasingly obsessed with the box, which contains a malicious spirit known as a dibbuk. As Em’s behavior grows increasingly erratic and violent, Clyde and Stephanie realize that something sinister has taken hold of their daughter.

    As the dibbuk’s influence over Em grows stronger, Clyde seeks the help of a rabbi to perform an exorcism and rid their daughter of the malevolent entity. With time running out and Em’s life hanging in the balance, Clyde and Stephanie must confront the demonic force and fight for their daughter’s soul. “The Possession” delivers spine-chilling horror and supernatural thrills, with Ole Bornedal’s direction creating an atmosphere of tension and terror that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the shocking conclusion.

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