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70+ Best Horror Movies of All Time


    25: Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Movie Details:

    • Release date: April 5, 2013
    • IMDb Rating: 6.5/10
    • Director: Fede Alvarez
    • Duration: 91 minutes
    • Genre: Horror
    • Cast: Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jessica Lucas

    Evil Dead Plot Summary:

    In the 2013 remake of “Evil Dead,” horror movie a group of five friends retreat to a remote cabin in the woods to help Mia, one of their members, overcome her drug addiction. While exploring the cabin’s basement, they discover a hidden room containing a mysterious book wrapped in barbed wire, along with various grotesque artifacts. Despite warnings scrawled on the book’s pages, one of the friends reads aloud an incantation, unwittingly summoning demonic forces that possess Mia and terrorize the group.

    As the possessed Mia wreaks havoc on her friends, they must fight for survival against the relentless evil unleashed by the ancient Book of the Dead. Trapped in the cabin with no way to escape, they resort to desperate measures to banish the malevolent spirits and save their souls. “Evil Dead” delivers a visceral and intense horror experience, with Jane Levy’s gripping performance as Mia anchoring the film’s terrifying descent into chaos.

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