Bollywood News

10 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Twitter Accounts were Suspended.

10 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Twitter Accounts Were Suspended

Twitter has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect with people from all walks of life, including our favorite celebrities. However, even the biggest stars in Bollywood are not immune to having their Twitter accounts suspended. Whether it’s due to controversial tweets, violations of Twitter’s policies, or simply a misunderstanding.

Here are 10 Bollywood celebrities who have faced the wrath of Twitter and had their accounts suspended.

#1 Kangana Ranaut


Known for her outspoken nature and controversial statements, Kangana Ranaut‘s Twitter account suspension came as no surprise to many. Ranaut had been embroiled in numerous controversies, including engaging in heated debates with other celebrities and making provocative remarks on social and political issues. Her suspension highlighted the fine line between freedom of speech and hate speech on social media platforms.

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