Strange things that Egyptian Pharaohs considered Normal.


When we think of ancient Egypt, images of majestic pyramids, golden sarcophagi, and elaborate hieroglyphics come to mind. But behind the grandeur and mystique of this ancient civilization, there were some truly bizarre practices and beliefs that the pharaohs considered completely normal.

Explore the unique practices of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and how they shaped their culture and beliefs.

Cat Worship: The Feline Frenzy

It’s no secret that cats were highly revered in ancient Egypt, but the extent of their worship is truly remarkable. Pharaohs believed that cats possessed divine qualities and were considered sacred animals. They were even mummified alongside their owners to ensure their companionship in the afterlife. The punishment for harming a cat was severe, and it was not uncommon for someone to be put to death for such an offense. It’s safe to say that the pharaohs were the original cat lovers!

Unusual Beauty Regimens

While today we have an array of beauty products and treatments, the pharaohs had their own unique methods for maintaining their appearance. One such practice was the use of crocodile dung as a facial mask.

Yes, you read that right! They believed that the dung had magical properties that would enhance their beauty and keep their skin youthful.

Another bizarre beauty ritual involved the application of lead-based makeup, which not only gave them a pale complexion but also poisoned them over time. Talk about suffering for beauty!

Obsession with the Afterlife

The ancient Egyptians had a strong belief in the afterlife and went to great lengths to ensure a smooth transition to the next world. Pharaohs were buried with an abundance of treasures and possessions, including their favorite pets, servants, and even food and drink. They also had elaborate burial rituals, such as the opening of the mouth ceremony, which involved priests touching various parts of the mummy’s face to restore its senses. It’s safe to say that the pharaohs were well-prepared for the afterlife, even if it meant taking some strange practices with them.

Animal Mummies Galore

Speaking of the afterlife, the Egyptians didn’t just mummify humans, but also animals. They believed that by mummifying animals and offering them as sacrifices, they could ensure a good afterlife for themselves. From cats and dogs to crocodiles and even scarab beetles, countless animals were mummified and buried alongside their human counterparts. It’s a strange thought to imagine an ancient Egyptian pharaoh surrounded by a menagerie of mummified creatures, but that’s exactly what they considered normal.

Superstitions and Magical Practices

The pharaohs were deeply superstitious and believed in the power of magic and amulets. They would often wear protective charms and amulets to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. One particularly strange belief was the power of the dung beetle. Egyptians saw the dung beetle rolling its dung as a representation of the sun god Ra, and they believed that wearing a scarab beetle amulet would bring them protection and good fortune. It’s safe to say that the pharaohs had some interesting ideas about what could bring them luck!

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