Banned Celebrities in Different Countries: The Controversial List

List of popular celebrities banned in different countries. In an age of globalization, that covers any individual efforts to rise and shine in the competitive forums of life across different borders, perhaps not for the best reasons. Several high-profile figures, like actors and musicians (even some sports stars), have been banned across countries for political reasons, contentious quotes or legal troubles. In this article, we will be going over the stories of celebrities who have been banned from various nations and looking into what led to these bans as well as their grave consequences.

1. Justin Bieber – Banned in Argentina for various incidents

Justin Bieber is arguably the richest pop star in the world — but he was banned from a country after his 2013 antics. Bieber faced a photographer and was charged with assault. The issue was never resolved, prompting Argentina to demand his arrest and threatening to prevent the Canadian singer from returning unless it was sorted out. It forever soured the South American country on its foolish teenage pranks.

2. Lady Gaga – Banned in China for Poor taste and Vulgar content

Lady Gaga was banished from China not once but many a time, for both artistic (her art) and political (her politics) offences In 2016, she met the Dalai Lama, and that was only one of two examples. China, which views the Dalai Lama as a separatist, immediately moved to outlaw her music and online presence. Lady Gaga has also been targeted for censorship in conservative countries, due to her support for LGBT rights as well as her very outspoken nature.

3. Miley Cyrus — Dominican Republic due to morals lacking

Miley Cyrus performed antics as always, and in 2014, the Dominican Republic banned her from being able to perform within the country. Officials say that trips like these ” violate morals and customs”, which means provocative performances. The Dominican authorities deemed the singer’s sexually explicit antics on her “Bangerz” tour unsuitable and banned Cyrus from performing.

4. Selena Gomez – Banned From Russia and China for her association with the Dalai Lama

But even the international fame of Selena Gomez was not enough to save her from being banned in Russia and China. She has roots in Russia, but her ban came from her public support of LGBTQ+, at odds with the country’s prohibition against homosexual propaganda. China did the same after she posted a photo of herself with Dalai Lama. After all, Gomez has been vocal about human rights and would end up banned from both.

5. Brad Pitt – Banned in China

One of these is the 1997 release Seven Years in Tibet where Brad Pitt was banned from China for nearly 17 years as a result. The movie depicted the contested Chinese presence in Tibet and thus was protested by Chinese officials. While Pitt did not publicly comment on Tibet, his involvement in the film landed him with a travel ban he was unable to circumvent. China, however, has since lifted its ban and Pitt was permitted to enter the country last year.

6. Sacha Baron Cohen — Kazakhstan

Satirical comedian Sacha Baron Cohen outraged Kazakhstan with his movie Borat. Kazakhstan authorities slammed the film, which shamed Kazakh culture and placed a temporary ban on Cohen from entering the country. In recent years, Kazakhstan has lightened up, even using Borat in tourism commercials to gain international notoriety.

7. Akon – Banned in Sri Lanka for disrespting Buddhism

Sri Lanka was just one of the many territories that banned the American-Senegalese singer Akon over his ”Sexy Chick’ video. One scene in the video showed women dancing around a Buddha image; that prompted fury in Myanmar, where 90% of people are Buddhists. To the Sri Lankan authorities, Akon had disapproved of their religion and was subsequently prohibited from performing in the country or entering there.

8. Beyoncé – Banned in Malaysia due to provocative clothing

Her performances have been criticized in the conservative nation of Malaysia and she has courted controversy with her far-from-modest outfits. Islamic groups in 2007 protested her concert and she was forced to cancel it with some groups objecting to her too-revealing outfits. The government was supposed to allow the event to go on after Beyoncé agreed to scale down her performance. In Malaysia, a country in which any overt display of sensuality tends to be heavily censored, she was all but told that she could forget about returning.

9. Chris Brown — Australia and the UK due to criminal history

He has been banned from entering the United Kingdom and Japan due to his legal troubles. An attack on singer Rihanna made him persona non grata in Australia and the UK. The domestic violence conviction was the basis for both countries to ban a person with a criminal history, especially crimes against women.

10. Katy Perry – Banned in China due to anti-China protest and support for Taiwan

Katy Perry got a slap on the wrist in 2017 when her visa was denied for China because she enjoyed wearing an outfit that not many people agreed with from a past performance. Perry came wearing a sunflower dress, an act considered political by sharing the burgeoning Taiwan independence movement under that symbol. Last but not least, Chinese authorities were angered by Perry’s waving of the Taiwanese flag during her 2015 concert in Taipei.

11. Paris Hilton — Banned in Japan due to drug conviction

Socialite and reality TV star Paris Hilton was temporarily banned from entering Japan following her 2010 conviction for drug possession. You may know that Japan has a 100% zero tolerance towards drugs, as the Japanese government is extremely strict with its anti-drug laws. Hilton, famous worldwide for her reality TV career, was barred from entering the country by Japanese immigration officials who cited her record of drug-related offences.

12. Madonna – Banned in Russia

Russia had a relationship with Madonna when she expressed her bold support for the rights of lesbians, gays and transgender people. Madonna’s 2012 concerts in St. Petersburg were immediately banned after the singer spoke out against the country’s anti-gay propaganda legislation. She was accused by the Russian government of advocating homosexual rights and subsequently barred from performing there.

13. Alec Baldwin — Banned from the Philippines!

The Philippines was not amused when Alec Baldwin made sarcastic comments during a 2009 interview. His off-colour quip included ordering a “Filipina mail-order bride,” words that did not sit well in the Philippines. He was declared as persona non grata and thus barred by Philippine authorities from returning to the country.

14. Rihanna – Banned in the UAE

Conservative countries like the United Arab Emirates did not allow Rihanna’s music video for “S&M” to be screened on television due to its explicit content. Somehow people found ways to listen but the country banned her video and limited her performances as well. The UAE is particularly intolerant of content seen as sexual or otherwise offensive to Islamic values within the country.

15. 50 Cent – Temporarily denied entry to Canada in 2005

50 Cent, has been subject to a ban in Canada for his violent lyrics and criminal record. They were riled by his criminal record and the effect they feared his music could have on children. It took a while before the ban was reversed, as 50 Cent was not permitted to make tours and perform in the country.

16. Snoop Dogg – Banned in Norway

In 2012 Snoop Dogg, known for his marijuana use, was banned from Norway after customs officials found he had the drug at an airport in the country. The rapper was banned from travelling to Norway for two years as a result of their strict drug laws. Snoop has been banned from other countries that share stiff anti-drug enforcement guidelines, thus he is considered an international criminal by many.

17. Ariana Grande – Banned in Indonesia

For having some ratchet outfits and getting herself banned from Indonesia for performances too sexual, Ms Ariana Grande! People caught engaging in immoral or un-Islamic acts can face up to 10 years in jail The conservative Muslim-majority country has some of the harshest penalties for such behaviour. Though Grande is an international pop mega-star, her concert was pulled following criticism from local religious bodies.

18. Shakira – Initially Banned in Spain

The 2010 FIFA World Cup also brought us our first taste of controversy: The Colombian singer Shakira was banned from performing in Spain for a time after she was accused of “plagiarizing” a popular Spanish song. Eventually, the ban was lifted thanks to a legal tussle, but the debate effectively stopped her touring in Australia for good.

19. Lil Wayne – Banned in the UK

In 2009, Wayne was barred from leaving the U.K. after a gunshot conviction, and his criminal record dates back as far as 1991. Because the UK has tight rules that restrict entry to individuals with criminal records, Wayne was unable to get a visa due to his past. Following a ban he was unable to appear in the UK for years, despite having an enormous British following.

20. Björk – Banned in China

The Icelandic artist Björk was handed a 2008 ban from China when she dedicated a song to Tibetan independence during a concert in Shanghai. Chinese authorities outlawed her from performing in the country in retribution for publicly supporting the cause. These political issues banning celebrities in China are not isolated.

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