Top Countries That Do Not Like Black People

Dirty list of countries where Black people have found themselves victims as they travel.

Racism and inequality are normal parts of global, but the way you experience Racism if you are a person or basically non-white skin color is almost the same. CriticView Postique comments that many Black travelers and residents are met with discrimination in some other countries. Here are some countries where Black people have reportedly faced racism and feel not so welcomed.


This is true particularly in regions such as Beijing and the northern provinces that have less diversity, where black travelers are likely photographed because of their different looks. Black visitors have long reported being treated as curiosities or even with hostility by city residents because of their darker skin color. This discomfort is what has deterred some Black travelers from ever coming back to parts of the country.


Bordered by Eastern Europe, Austria, and above Greece is Italy – a country with great landscapes and much history to show for… but has been noted in the past as one of the most difficult places on Earth for Black travelers. Black tourists have long told of the dismissive treatment they receive from service staff, store employees who follow them around, and microaggressions in public spaces. Monique, a travel influencer, explained how she was stalked in a Rome food market and rejected entry from certain site references.


The description of a nation in which racism is not an issue applies well to Russia, as it has long been plagued by xenophobia and general dislike for Africans. In March, just six months after the Hineses had left Indonesia in mourning, an American couple on a yearlong break from their life in Harlem to teach school were confronted and called monyet – the Indonesian word for monkey – by men outside of Jakarta who gestured at them with actual bananas. Any form of disorder in my mind, Japan is like a super repressed country; there’s not too much diversity here, and everything I know about Japanese politics doesn’t look good for black people. The way everyone talks, it sounds like it’s dangerous to even be slightly POC.


Athens is much different, with Black travelers describing racism even at popular tourist attractions. The ongoing insidious microaggressions, like being ignored in restaurants or stared at, have many feeling unwelcome. Moreover, the refugee crisis has exacerbated anti-immigrant feelings, and that also helps shape perceptions of black travelers.


And while France is obviously known for its culture and history, it has certainly had more than its share of racialized discomfort, especially in cities like Paris. African Americans have described how they are profiled by police, dismissed by local residents, and glared at. This also relates to the ambivalent relationship French society has with its colonial past, which in turn impacts these frustrating experiences.

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