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8 Countries that Pay you to Live and Marry Gorgeous Women

Find Out Which 8 Countries Pay You To Live And Marry Beautiful Women! Learn about amazing financial incentives to move abroad.

These countries do offer some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, along with a few vibrant cultures as well, but part and parcel of it comes easy pickings for settling down there or even marrying one local. Here are eight countries where you can marry the woman of your dreams, if only for her passport or citizenship!


Italian Women

With many villages in decline, Italy will pay you up to €9K to move there and start a new life – particularly picturesque towns like Candela. Some countries even offer marriage incentives to promote growth in their local community.


Estonia Women

The eastern European gem supports life with financial skeletons, offering bonuses for those who move in and have families. The country, meanwhile, wants to make sure its population remains diversely populated by lure in foreigners willing to marry some of the locals.


Hungarian Women

To encourage baby-making, the Hungarian government has been providing couples with up to €30,590 in interest-free loans that are completely written off (not auntioned?, or whatever you call it) if they have three children. It is also the first tactic promoting marriage AND helping increase national fertility rates with one fell swoop.


Iceland Women

With its novel way to increase the nation´s small number of people and cope with its gender disparity, Iceland is apparently intended for providing monthly salaries meant for foreigner men like Marraige, this Icelandic woman.


Russian Women

Incentives for settlement in the provinces, such as housing subsidies and tax breaks for married couples; the initiative is part of a wider effort to combat population decline and rejuvenate their economies.


Mexican Women

In Mexico, some states give perks to foreigners looking to marry their way into a break from perpetual motion. Through these channels, the country encourages cultural exchange and economic development.


Armenian Women

Armenia pays cash to men who marry local women as population falls in the country. They are meant to help raise the birth rate in a country that has good but decreasing fertility and a lack of skilled labor.


Greece Women

There are some remote areas of Greece that will pay you to move there and get married. The idea of the initiative is to revive small towns and keep intact our diverse cultural heritage.

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